Friday, July 24, 2009

SF Half Marathon

It is that time of the year.. when people in the bay area run across the golden gate bridge! yes, it is the SF Marathon time... And I will be there this time!!

Will be loadsa fun... I am so looking forward to that!!!

You can catch the live results at

And my bib # is 17323.

Wish me luck, guys!

Sunday, June 14, 2009

First 7 miler of the year..

I finished my first 7 miler of the year yesterday.. And should say, it was one of the best performances for me... finished it in about 1.5 hours!

It was on the Oracle trail.. I had my first beyond 5 miler at the same place last year as well... And the best part yesterday was that I could run continuously except for some short water-stops.. this is totally improved from last year when I had to walk a major part of the longer miles.. knock knock!

Some aches and pains, but nothing compared what I had to go through last year.. thats such a relief..!! My only wish is to reach the start line (relatively) injury-free and finish the half-marathon in under 3 hours. Amen!!

You can find my last year's post on Oracle trail here...

Monday, May 25, 2009

Season 2 has begun!!

Itz season 2 of my marathon experience... continuing my training with Team Asha...
I did not run at all after the Silicon Valley Half Marathon last year - took complete rest and allowed my body to refresh itself in the winter.

Then I ran the Asha 10K Spring Run in March early this year. That was good. And end of April, I started my second season with the team. The team, coaches, mentors are as awesome as ever. And I seem to be doing pretty well too.. No real pains so far... which is great!

Hoping to run the San Francisco Half Marathon on Jul 26, 2009. And then, I will decide which full marathon to run. My goal is to get to the start line injury-free and have fun all along while raising money to support one of Asha for Education's projects in India.. That reminds me.. I need to select the project too.

Anyways, to Team Asha... may you fulfill more dreams and help create educated children and inspired citizens!!

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Coming soon!!!

The Asha Marathon is about to begin sooon... as soon as next month.... come back for action in the second season!! :-)